Corporate Responsibility
Learn & Earn
We create skills training and awareness programmes that are in line with community needs for example for young people not in education or training NEET. We currently work with local schools and colleges to provide work placements and training opportunities. The student is required to attend an interview and whilst on the placement they complete a bespoke work programme encompassing experience across the business. On average we take 6-10 students per year.
We work with Train Together based in Leicester to recruit apprentices for across the organisation, on average of five a year. Apprentices often find a full time role with Bellrock following the apprenticeship period.
Saving Energy
We reduce energy consumption by using energy saving equipment, training operatives to ensure the most efficient use of machinery (i.e correct use of filters and bags in vacuum cleaners), and conducting frequent “switch off” campaigns. Where possible we investigate the use of renewable sources of energy and advise our clients energy consumption reduction plans.
Supporting local charities, community engagement & volunteering
We proactively engage with community partners, groups and individuals including helping local community groups with mentoring programmes using our Bellrock employee volunteer days.
Alzheimer’s Research UK
Supporting charities is an integral part of our business. The charities are chosen that are close to our hearts so everyone feels truly passionate about supporting the organisation. This year Bellrock employees chose Alzheimer’s Research UK as our charity. We have held various events to collect donations to contribute to the funding of ground-breaking research to vital projects to beat dementia. These events include cake sales, dress down days, volunteering on fundraising days and campaigns.
Think Local
We actively recruit new members of the Bellrock team and supply chain as locally as possible to the contract. We believe this strengthens the local economy and reduces environmental impacts such as travel. Wherever possible we aim to boost social value by providing sustainable local jobs for local people and companies.
Reducing the carbon footprint
We schedule each site visit based on geographic proximity for our mobile workforce. This ensures the engineers travel the shortest possible distance between locations and therefore reduce our carbon footprint. Where possible we use LPG dual fuel vans that emit 10-15% less carbon dioxide that petrol vehicles and 80% less nitrous oxide emissions than diesel, and zero particulate emissions.
Minimising waste
At our Leicester Head Office individual waste bins have been replaced by shredders, bins for general waste, and bins for recycling located in central areas of the office. Everyone has been issued with mugs to use in the vending machines and paper cups are only available for take away drinks. If we need to print, we have a policy of printing and photocopying using both sides of paper. The photocopier requires a code so that teams and individuals can track their copying by costs and quantity.
We have introduced E-payslips for all direct employees. Not only is this cost effective for the company, but has eliminated the need for paper and reduces the use of ink.
Mindful Employer
As an employer we recognise that in the UK, people experiencing mental ill health continue to report stigma and discrimination at work. Having signed the ‘Charter for Employers Positive about Mental Health’, we are committed to creating a supportive and open culture, where colleagues feel able to talk about mental health confidently, and aspire to appropriately support the mental wellbeing of all staff.