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Internet of Things (IoT)

A predictive and pro-active approach to property & FM services

Bellrock are leading the way with technology enabled property and facilities management services. Our ambition is to enable our customers achieve a fully optimised and digitalised estate.

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Intelligent workplace IoT

Leading the way to predictive facilities management

A key component of being able to manage your workspace effectively is the ability to predict an asset failing, before it even fails.

Concerto developers have built an integrated IoT interpretation layer within the it’s software platform, enabling predictive maintenance regimes to be established.

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The future of estate and asset management

Internet of Things is a technology development that has innovative applications for estate and asset management. Automated workflows and need-based service deployment are just two examples of how this fast pace of technology development can drive a more cost-effective and efficient service, minimising disruption and downtime. IoT focuses primarily on ensuring critical asset up time, enabling the estate to be able to operate remotely with limited human intervention.

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Internet of things smart city

Concerto's built in IoT interpretation layer

Concerto’s built-in IoT interpretation level allows a user to take any IoT device such as for temperature, vibration, flow, volume and oxygen levels, and have them measured and monitored within the Concerto system. The information which is transmitted from those devices can be used to create analytical reports as well as raise alerts and warnings, which are pushed through a series of workflows based on a set of parameters. This can then auto-generate reactive requests and responses to internal staff or external supply chain partners.

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Workflow engines driving intervention

Where we differentiate ourselves is Concerto’s workflow engines that run off the back of IoT devices. Warning parameters received from a particular device are pushed through a series of workflows to drive interventions from either internal staff or external supply chain partners.

Concerto interpretation layer

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