Estate Optimisation

A fully optimised estate perfectly aligns your estates strategy to your organisations’ business plan and strategic priorities, providing an estate that enables your organisation to be the best it can. A fully optimised estate is proactive and predictive, using the latest technology such as AI and IoT to make data driven decisions that are responsive to changes within your organisation as well as the outside world.

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Helping organisations link their estates strategy to their strategic priorities

Bellrock provide an assessment through our Integrated Digital Estate Asset (IDEA) model to help link the two together. Our technology-led delivery solutions assists organisations implement their estates strategy. Using our flexible Strategic Service Integrator (SSI) delivery model, we help align property and FM processes and data to deliver the strategy.

As businesses are now emerging from lockdown and moving back into re-occupation, progressive organisations are re-imagining their strategies and re-considering their estate models. In the context of a post-coronavirus world, many operators and real-estate owners must guess what potential longer-term effects and shifts may happen in the Property and Facilities Management (FM) industry.

Learn how Bellrock is helping complex and sophisticated organisations re-imagine their estate by using our IDEA model to achieve estate optimisation.

Complex and sophisticated

Complex and Sophisticated Estates

Complex estates require a high standard of delivery and a more comprehensive approach to risk management whilst sophisticated buyers see their estate as a fundamental part of their strategic plan. They recognise the needs of the estate in a post Covid world will require re-shaping, built in a way to leverage the technology available to improve risk outcomes.

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IDEA Model

IDEA Model

Understanding the maturity of your property and FM processes and data is the starting point to re-aligning your estates model. Our market-leading Integrated Digital Estates Data (IDEA) model and self assessment tool can help you assess your level of estate maturity and provide steps to increase estate maturity over time, unlocking your organisation’s strategic aims and risk mitigation strategy.

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Strategic service integrator

Strategic Service Integrator

Bellrock’s Strategic Service Integrator (SSI) is a delivery model that provides complex and sophisticated organisations with a flexible plug and play approach to deliver property and FM services. The model provides a mechanism to move up the maturity curve, enabling advancement through the maturity stages so that you can ultimately achieve a fully optimised estate over time.

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Intelligent workplace IoT


COVID-19 has presented many challenges and technology has been an important enabler during these times. How do we continue to leverage and build upon what we have done to date? The Internet of Things (IOT) alongside our technology, offers a wide gambit of applications, which in turn can be utilised in stand-alone mode or be integrated into other data sets to produce effective data insights.

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