Your Sector

Bellrock works with organisations across all industry sectors where the quality of the workplace and compliance are essential. Whether creating an effective compliance regime and maintenance plans for critical assets or managing the extensive HTM (Health Technical Memoranda) indicators, our knowledge and experience helps organisations streamline processes and drive efficiencies.

Bellrock is a supplier to a number of key frameworks such as the Crown Commercial ServicesEfficiency East Midlands (EEM)GCloud, for our Concerto software, Crescent Purchasing Consortium, and the Fusion21Framework for CAFM, estate and facilities management.

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Bellrock's education sector


The education sector is made up of five stages, comprising early years, primary, secondary, further education and higher education. The UK contains nearly 33,000 schools, of which 1,170 are part of a multi academy trust. Within these schools, 500,000 teachers educate 10.3 million students at compulsory education level. In addition, there are 381 further education colleges and 142 universities providing follow-up education at an advanced level.

Sector facts

Understanding the challenges

Addressing the challenges

  • Our IDEA model provides a rich data framework for assessing and developing estate maturity over time, which will help take estates on a journey towards an optimised state, providing better conditions for stakeholders, lower emissions for the environment, and cost savings to help ensure as much budget as possible is spent on educational delivery
  • Concerto is IoT enabled, allowing the use of sensors to reduce energy and water usage, thereby saving money and lowering carbon emissions
  • Energy management is enabled within Concerto so we can help to actively track energy usage across the estate, reducing costs and carbon emissions
  • Our service charge and insurance experts can help to ensure value for money and advise on estate usage, thereby reducing outgoings or maximising income through leasing or sale
  • Analytics provide a clear view of estate condition, providing the foundations to make data-driven decisions regarding budgeting and estate strategy
  • And of course, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, for example, SFG20, whilst also maximising the experience for employees, students, visitors and the environment

All these areas of expertise help to ensure that estate risk is minimised, compliance is maintained and value for money is maximised

Case studies

Tudor Grange Academies Trust
University of Warwick
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Health and Social Care in the UK is predominantly delivered through NHS services, which are free at the point of use.  The NHS has an annual budget of £214bn, with private healthcare adding an additional £35bn, so healthcare expenditure is vast.  Equally large is the number of employees in the sector, with an approximate 2 million people working in health and social care, proving us all with vital services.

Sector facts

Bellrock has a history of providing services to the healthcare sector

  • 17% of Bellrock’s revenue
  • Nearly 200 healthcare organisations have been supported across the group
  • Concerto manages over 60k planned and reactive jobs per annum
  • £7m in supplier spend controlled through Concerto
  • Market leading supplier of asset surveys to the NHS

Understanding the challenges

At present the largest challenge facing healthcare is of course COVID-19

  • COVID has increased the requirement for healthcare services, plus reduced clinical capacity due to social-distancing measures required to prevent infection
  • This reduced clinical capacity also applies to surgery, and the resulting increased waiting lists, combined with potential supply chain issues post-Brexit, means that patients are waiting longer for routine operations and as such the patient experience is of key importance
  • On top of this, COVID has massively increased Government expenditure whilst at the same time reduced tax revenues, meaning healthcare budgets are likely to be squeezed further in future.
  • The NHS has a large and technical estate with buildings having massively different age profiles from old Victorian wards to modern state of the art buildings containing highly complex equipment. These buildings must deliver a great patient experience and ensure compliance with maintenance requirements

All these challenges have impacts on estate and facilities management and Bellrock is uniquely positioned to address these issues across the healthcare sector.

Addressing the challenges

  • Our IDEA model provides a framework for assessing and developing estate maturity over time, which will help take healthcare estates on a journey towards an optimised state, providing better conditions for patients, lower emissions for the environment and cost savings to help ensure as much budget as possible is spent on health and social care delivery
  • Concerto is IOT enabled, allowing the use of sensors to reduce energy and water usage, thereby saving money and lowering carbon emissions
  • Energy management is enabled within Concerto so we can help to actively track energy usage across the estate
  • Our team of qualified surveyors are leading providers of six facet surveys across the NHS. These provide good baseline information for an Estates Strategy, can assist property transfer and are consistent with the updated NHS Premises Assurance Model (PAM), the updated ERIC Returns, and the Carter and Naylor Reviews.
  • To help maximise budgets, our service charge and insurance experts can help to ensure value for money and advise on estate usage, thereby reducing outgoings or maximising income through leasing or sale of unused land or property
  • Analytics provide a clear view of estate condition, providing the foundations to make data-driven decisions regarding budgeting and estate strategy
  • And of course, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, for example SFG20, whilst also maximising the experience for employees, patients, visitors, and the environment

All these areas of expertise help to ensure that estate risk is minimised, compliance is maintained and value for money is maximised.

Case studies

NHS Tayside
Bellrock's Healthcare sector
Bellrock and local and central government

Local and Central Government

Sector facts

Understanding the challenges

Addressing the challenges

Case studies

Manchester City Council
States of Jersey

Retail and Leisure

Sector facts

Understanding the challenges

Addressing the challenges

Case studies

Bellrock's Retail and leisure sector
Bellrock's commercial sector


Sector facts

  • 25% of Bellrock’s revenue
  • Circa 250 organisations supported across the group
  • Concerto manages circa 70k planned and reactive jobs per annum
  • Over £60m in supplier spend controlled through Concerto
  • Market-leading provider of service charge and insurance management across the UK

Understanding the challenges

  • COVID-19 has caused a recession and left many offices vacant or at reduced occupancy due to social distancing requirements. This has resulted in reduced revenues, job losses and in some cases, business closures. Many affected organisations have taken to closing premises or renegotiating their rents with landlords to reduce outgoings
  • Technological developments have allowed many traditionally office-based workers to shift to home working, which means commercial estates can potentially be repurposed into collaboration suites instead of pure desking. This provides the opportunity to reshape estates to suit the new normal
  • On top of COVID, Brexit is causing uncertainty and will potentially increase bureaucracy within the supply chain which will in turn increase costs for businesses. As such, value for money has never been more important for business
  • The climate crisis affects all our lives and will do so increasingly in the future, so both expectation and legislation will require action to improve environmental efficiency of commercial buildings and reduce carbon emissions. The reduction of emissions through decreased commuting is a positive outcome of the shift to homeworking and can help businesses to reduce carbon emission levels

All these challenges have impacts on estate and facilities management and Bellrock is uniquely positioned to address these issues across the retail and leisure sectors.

Addressing the challenges

  • Should current office capacity levels remain, our service charge and insurance experts can help to ensure value for money and advise on estate usage, thereby reducing outgoings through renegotiations or maximising income through leasing or sale of unused land or property
  • Concerto is IOT enabled, allowing the use of sensors to reduce energy and water usage, thereby saving money and lowering carbon emissions
  • Energy management is enabled within Concerto so we can help to actively track energy usage across the estate
  • Our team of qualified surveyors can perform energy assessments on commercial buildings, allowing us to assist in defining a plan to improve energy efficiency
  • Analytics provide a clear view of estate condition, providing the foundations to make data-driven decisions regarding budgeting and estate strategy
  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements, for example SFG20, whilst also maximising the experience for employees, visitors, and the environment

All these areas of expertise help to ensure that estate risk is minimised, compliance is maintained and value for money is maximised.

Case studies

The Hive

Property Management

Sector facts

  • 7% of Bellrock’s revenue
  • Over 70 organisations supported across the group
  • Concerto manages circa 16k planned and reactive jobs per annum
  • £300k in supplier spend controlled through Concerto

Understanding the challenges

At present the largest challenges facing commercial property management are driven by public health, economic, socio-cultural and environmental effects

  • COVID-19 has had a significant global economic impact on both Landlords and Tenants. This has left many Tenants struggling to pay their rent, with Landlords experiencing an increase in requests for rent holidays, payment plans, liquidation and administration. Many affected organisations have taken to closing premises or renegotiating their rents with landlords. Whilst Landlords are under pressure to retain income to service loans.
  • A shift in how and where we work has left Landlords and Managing Agents re-imagining the role of the workplace and how future work trends will impact the operational and logistical needs of the property.
  • COVID-19 has presented logistical challenges in running an operational property. With an ever increasing requirement to balance the operational need to ensure work-places are COVID-safe and operational for those on site or returning to work and protecting the investment and fulfilling statutory requirements, whilst being challenged to reduce service charge and non-recoverable costs where possible.
  • On top of COVID, Brexit is causing uncertainty and will potentially increase bureaucracy within the supply chain which will in turn increase costs for businesses. As such, value for money has never been more important for business.
  • The climate crisis affects all our lives and will do so increasingly in the future. Both expectation and legislation will require action to reduce carbon emissions and improve environmental efficiency of commercial buildings.
All these challenges have impacts on property management and Bellrock is uniquely positioned to address these issues across the sectors.

Addressing the challenges

  • Should current work trends and occupancy rates continue, our service charge and insurance experts can help to interrogate costs, ensure value for money and advise on estate usage, thereby reducing outgoings through cost mitigation
  • Concerto is IOT enabled, allowing the use of sensors to reduce energy and water usage, thereby saving money and lowering carbon emissions, as well as measuring the workplace environment and monitoring asset uptime
  • Energy management is enabled within Concerto so we can help to actively track energy usage across the estate
  • Realtime dashboard monitoring available across the Concerto data suite
  • Our team of qualified surveyors can review service charge budgets and operational requirements, allowing us to work with you in defining a plan to improve operational efficiency within a COVID-safe environment
    Analytics provide a clear view of estate condition, providing the foundations to make data-driven decisions regarding budgeting and estate strategy
  • And of course, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, for example SFG20, whilst also maximising the experience for employees, visitors, and the environment

All these areas of expertise help to ensure that estate risk is minimised, compliance is maintained and value for money is maximised

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Bellrock's property management

Bellrock Case Studies

Why Bellrock